Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the frequently asked questions for Juno

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Yes, with our documents module, you can create a document pool that employees can access according to their authorization by preventing the loss of corporate documents, which are the most important source of information flow in the company, in e-mails.

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You can adapt your corporate color and logo to Juno with just a few steps from the control panel and create your own intranet.

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Juno Intranet is a ready-to-use product on SharePoint Online and On-Premises.

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More than one Juno module works integrated with Power Automate and workflows are used.

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Yes, we are integrating with Azure Active Directory.

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After the installation is complete, we provide detailed training on all Juno's capabilities.

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You can access and use over Juno Intranet web portal, native mobile applications and Microsoft Teams.